Pickleball Rules

Pickleball Rules

Posted by Australian Toy Distributors on 9th Jul 2024

The rules and regulations governing pickleball gameplay ensure fair and competitive matches while promoting safety and sportsmanship on the court. Here's a comprehensive overview of the pickleball rules:

Scoring System:

Games are typically played to 11 points, and players must win by at least two points.

Points are only scored by the serving team.

In doubles play, the serving team alternates sides after scoring points, and both players on the serving team get the opportunity to serve before a side-out occurs.

Service Rules:

The serve must be made underhand.

The server must serve diagonally cross-court from behind the baseline and aim to land the serve in the opponent's diagonal service court.

The serve must clear the net and land within the opposing court's service court.

The server must keep one foot behind the baseline while serving and may not step into the court until after the ball is struck.

Return of Serve:

The receiving team must let the ball bounce once before returning it.

The return of serve must clear the net and land within the opponent's court, including the kitchen (non-volley zone), but it can land anywhere within the boundaries of the court.


Volleying (hitting the ball in the air without letting it bounce) is permitted, except within the kitchen (non-volley zone), which is the area within seven feet on either side of the net.

Players may enter the kitchen to play a ball that has bounced in the kitchen, but they must exit before volleying or otherwise hitting the ball.

Double Bounce Rule:

Each team must let the ball bounce once on each side of the net at the beginning of the point.

After the initial bounce on each side, players can volley the ball (hit it in the air) or let it bounce once before returning it.


A fault is committed if the ball is hit out of bounds, into the net, or fails to clear the net on a serve or return.

Stepping into the kitchen and volleying the ball is also considered a fault.

Court Boundaries:

The court is divided into specific areas, including the service courts, the non-volley zone (kitchen), and the boundaries of the court.

Balls must land within the court boundaries to be considered in play.


Occurs when the serving team loses the serve, resulting in the opposing team gaining the serve.

These rules provide a framework for playing pickleball fairly and competitively. It's essential to understand and follow these rules to enjoy the game and maintain good sportsmanship on the court.

In pickleball, a "let" occurs when a served ball touches the net and lands in the correct service court, resulting in a replay of the serve. 

Here's a more detailed explanation:


When a player serves the ball, they must hit it diagonally across the net and land it in the opponent's service court.

If the served ball touches the net and lands in the correct service court, it is considered a "let."

A let does not count as a fault or a point for either team. Instead, it results in a replay of the serve without any penalty.


After a let, the serving player gets another opportunity to serve the ball, and the point is replayed from the beginning.

The score remains unchanged, and both teams retain their serving and receiving positions.

Common Occurrence:

Lets are relatively common in pickleball, especially on serves, due to the low net height and the nature of the serve.

Players often aim to clear the net with their serve, so it's not uncommon for the ball to touch the net and still land in the correct service court.


The let rule ensures fairness and impartiality in the game by allowing players to replay a serve that was hindered by the net.

It prevents players from being penalized for unintentional mishaps or disruptions caused by the net during the serve.

Overall, a let in pickleball is a neutral event that allows for a fair and uninterrupted continuation of play, ensuring that both teams have an equal opportunity to serve and score points.